Associate Professor

Massachusetts College of Art + Design

Designing for Joy

Advanced Projects | 2018–2021 | New Course Development

I developed this new course and curriculum based on my own graduate thesis work. In this course, students deep dived into what makes an engaging experience. I asked them to go beyond a basic digital interface or printed piece and study how to evoke emotions and connect with users beyond the initial interaction. They focused on integrating various methods to engage users more deeply in an experience (including sound, touch, scent, play, and personality) to produce a unique and engaging experience around their medium of choice.

Epistle, a variable script typeface

Daniel Berube - 2020

What brings me joy? Connecting with loved ones, preserved memories, letter writing, calligraphy, vintage objects, surprises, bright colors, thoughtful actions, thrifting, film photography, hammocks, adventures +

For my project I wanted to create a variable script typeface based off of the script typewriter and code it to bring in both texture and weight shift to add the feeling of it being created manually. Along with the typeface I want to make a Type Specimen book that will be a guide to the creation and use of the typeface.


Runming Dai - 2020

Biology by Nature. Human by Design. From my previous research, I found that people no longer find visual to be delightful nowadays, due to the “Zoom Fatigue”. So I’m planning on doing a scented mask box set that creates a safe space for people to take a break from the virtual world. My strategy tapps into the power of simplicity. I want to create a branding system that is both sustainable and functional. The end goal is to create a safe space. The App idea adds a hint of personalization and minimalism to the brand.


Cory Hassman - 2018

GridBots is an educational modular toy created for kids to explore how they can interact with robotics. I approached this project wanting to simplify how complex chain reactions can be introduced to kids and in the process build a system that would spark creativity using electronics.

Each robot is brought to life by an electronic hub that holds a small servo motor, an Arduino, and a LiPo battery. The Arduino is programmed to respond to changes in light or motion from the sensors in each circuit. Throughout the set, color is used to guide the order that the pieces are assembled. This project allowed me to explore how to craft a meaningful experience for a younger audience as well as shifting my thinking towards creating multi-disciplinary design projects.


Tasha Ou - 2018

Wheelendar is an interactive calendar that allows users to physically track days by pulling each petal-like section of the calendar off. Having this physical engagement allows users to use the calendar constantly, and avoid just hanging a static calendars on the wall.

Touch + Create

Ghalya Lherisson - 2019

the big idea:
interactive installation / digital experience to push the boundaries between {and crossing over} the world of reality, design and technology involving 3 of our senses sight, touch & sound