Associate Professor

Massachusetts College of Art + Design

Student Advising

Advising & Students 2015–2021

Formally, each year I have worked with twenty to thirty undergraduate advisees and five to ten graduate advisees. I currently advise 35 sophomores, juniors, and seniors and graduate students. In addition, over the past year I have been the faculty advisor for 9 students taking internships. Advising has allowed me to foster long lasting relationships with my students; I spend most summers and winters helping students network to find internships and jobs.

Informally, I hope to set an example to students on how to collaborate. I want to foster a community of designers ready to support and lift eachother up —now and after graduation. To model this behavior I let students know if I’m on campus, my office door is always open. I keep my desk stocked with snacks and water kettle ready for cups of tea. I make time for them to talk, celebrate, investigate, and process. My biggest reward is having students reach out after graduation (sometime YEARS after!) for advice on job decisions and offer negotiations. As an example this past summer I had three alumni reach out to me to consult on job offers, and this fall I have three former students coming back to give talks to my classes.