Associate Professor

Massachusetts College of Art + Design

DMI Program Coordinator

Coordinator of Dynamic Media Institute 2018–2019, Co-Coordinator with Fish McGill 2019–2021

In the fall of 2018 I took on the role of coordinator for the Dynamic Media Institute MFA graduate program. I’ve spent the past two years focusing on outreach to promote and grow DMI, including speaking at and attending conferences and teaching workshops to build connections between relevant artists and professionals, possible MFA candidates, and DMI. While MassArt does not pay to sponsor conferences, I was able to exchange in-kind speaking fees for a DMI sponsorship at Typographics 2019 (New York, NY). DMI and MassArt had a presence in all the printed signage, advertisements, and conference materials for this 11-day event with over 900 participants from more than 25 countries. I have also tapped into our extensive alumni network to help bring new and engaging curriculum to DMI, including the Lead AR designer from Bose, an Interactive Designer from WGBH, a Developer for the MIT Civic Media Lab, and an Interactive Producer at the Richard Lewis Media Group.

As a result of increased presence and a newly launched comprehensive archive website of student and faculty work, DMI had a 72% Increase of applications, an 81% increase of accepted students, and a 100% change in deposits in 2019. In 2019 Fish McGill joined me as co-coordinator and we have continued to hold our numbers of enrolling students steady through the pandemic.

I also helped DMI students continue the tradition of their Thesis Show. Students held their annual exhibition, Fresh Media, at Cyber Arts Gallery in March 2019 as well as participating in the 2019 MFA Thesis Show held at MASS MoCA, with a pause in 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic.